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Our Awesome Story
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Country's first crowdfunding platform for social projects and social businesses.
To bring about an impact, positive change and betterment for the 99% of the population. The 1 Percent Foundation is here to solve the issues with your small contribution. Here at 1 Percent Foundaiton we focus on changing the lives of the underprivileged, orphans and communities all across by initiating projects and social business all across Bnagladesh. To eliminate poverty and for the betterment of lives.
Your small contribution will aid in affecting the localities as well as environment. The Foundation of country's 1% people who aims to solve problems for the 99% people. The 1% foundation promises to work for the orphans. Your small step can create a big difference..
JOIN NOW24 Hours Support
We have 24 hours support. If anyone needs any queries or questions we are here at your service to guide you.
Admin Panel
Any project that is important to you will be seen by the admin panel as soon as it is posted.And will be posted on the project section.
Mobile Friendly
Our website is mobile friendly. You can visit through any smart devices and post your project and donate any time you feel like.